Welcome to m.Doc Stories

We report on current topics and trends from the healthcare IT industry.

Patientenportal: So gut wie sein Ruf?

Patient portal: As good as its reputation?

At least since the KHZG, numerous hospitals in Germany have been thinking about introducing a patient portal – or have even implemented one already. But how good are the digital

When software developers “grow up”

Everyone is talking about digitization, but what is actually behind it technically? I spoke with m.Doc Chief Technology Officer Osiris Roost about his job, data security and the level of

Berlin, Berlin, we go to Berlin

The DMEA is just around the corner – and promises to be different, special this year. After two years, it is finally taking place again as a face-to-face event on

“There’s quite a bit of music in there”

This phrase from financial jargon currently fits hardly any industry better than the healthcare sector. More and more investors and also companies from outside the sector are recognizing its market

Foot on the gas for digitization projects

Procrastination and progress are two things that are mutually exclusive by definition. So if something is not (yet) perfect, it is all the more important to work on it. This

First, things turn out differently…

Second than you think. After 2020 was already an exceptional year, 2021 didn’t really make it much easier for us in many places. So where do we currently stand? And

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