m.Doc Smart Session
Webinars all about interfaces and interoperability
Our Smart Session webinar series on the KHZG is a complete success – and is now already in its third round.
As already announced, this time we are concentrating completely on our strong partnerships and, for example, presenting together with Cerner, Meona and Telekom how the deep integration of a digital patient portal into a HIS can and should look.

Next date:

18. April 2023, 02:00 PM
Integrated discharge management: holistic patient journey from admission to discharge with the m.Doc patient portal
In the next Smart Session, we will take you on a fictional patient journey where we will work with our partner Verbund Pflegehilfe to illustrate the seamless integration of their discharge management services into the m.Doc patient portal. Join us and secure your seat with a focus on the following key areas:
– Digital support for your hospital staff from admission to discharge.
– Minimization of bureaucratic effort and closing of previous care gaps
– Effective shortening of the length of stay of your patients for the benefit of financial capacity utilization
Smart Session missed?
We have recorded everything for you. Write to us at marketing@mdoc.one and we will send you the recording.
Smart Session Teaser
THE patient portal: Integrated Discharge Management: Holistic Patient Journey from Admission to Discharge with the m.Doc Patient Portal
In this Smart Session, we will take you on a fictitious patient journey, working with our partner Verbund Pflegehilfe to illustrate the seamless integration of their discharge management services into the m.Doc patient portal.
In the session, we will focus on the following key areas:
- Digital support for your clinical staff from admission
to discharge - Minimizing bureaucratic efforts and closing
previous gaps in care - Effectively shortening the length of stay of your patients for the benefit of
in favor of financial utilization
The whole episode is available on request at: marketing@mdoc.one
THE patient portal: The role of bedside terminals in the digital patient journey powered by m.Doc | Siemens
Software meets hardware – so the digital PatientJourney doesn’t stop with the BedsideTerminal. Learn how the seamless integration of our patient portal with the HiMed solution from Siemens works in our next SmartSession webinar.
Learn during the session:
- Introduction of Siemens and HiMed solution
- Use cases from the perspective of patients and professional
- Integration of m.Doc Smart Clinic and HiMed
The whole episode is available on request at: marketing@mdoc.one
THE patient portal: How to become the winner of inefficient paper wars powered by m.Doc | Validated ID
Are you also fed up with inefficient administrative management and mountains of paper in your everyday life? With the m.Doc GmbH patient portal and our partner and expert for digital signatures Validated ID you are on the winning side from now on!
The whole episode is available on request at: marketing@mdoc.one
THE patient portal: patient portal meets telematics infrastructure - a perfect and fully integrated interaction powered by m.Doc | akquinet
Fully integrated. Perfectly coordinated and in optimal interaction. This is what the patient portal innovation looks like when it is connected to the telematics infrastructure (TI) with the help of self-service terminals.
The entire episode is available on request at: marketing@mdoc.one
THE patient portal: Digital patient support from admission to discharge powered by m.Doc | nubedian
In this session, we would like to present the entire patient journey, from digital admission to transfer and discharge management, based on our integrative patient portal. Our experts Bodo Hubl (m.Doc) and Mathias Schmon (nubedian GmbH) will give you exciting insights into the seamless interaction between the m.Doc patient portal and the Caseform discharge management platform.
Learn during the session
How you can support your patients digitally from pre-stationary admission to post-stationary follow-up care in the best possible way.
How you can optimally manage your patient flow
how we guarantee a secure and intersectoral data exchange at any time.
The whole episode is available on request at: marketing@mdoc.one
THE patient portal: Controlled information flow from admission to discharge powered by m.Doc | Pflegeplatzmanager
The KHZG has given a powerful boost to efforts to improve the digitization of our hospital landscape, and patient portals are becoming a must-have for hospitals.
But what must a patient portal be able to do? How are patient-centric processes optimized, which relieve the nursing and medical teams?
One thing is for sure: seamless and digital transfer and discharge management is definitely one of the MUST criteria of a patient portal.
Therefore, on July 06, 2022, we will give you exclusive insights into the integration of the discharge management platform into our m.Doc Smart Clinic patient portal using the example of our partner Pflegeplatzmanager.
Our experts Henrik Ohlms (m.Doc) and Alexander Birnkammerer (Pflegeplatzmanager) will take you on a patient journey and demonstrate the cross-sector interaction between m.Doc Smart Clinic and Pflegeplatzmanager’s discharge management platform.
The entire episode is available on request at: marketing@mdoc.one
Eligible patient portals powered by m.Doc | recare
Using a holistic patient journey as an example, our speakers Udo Lavendel, Account Manager at m.Doc, and Maximilian Greschke, CEO & Founder of Recare, will offer exclusive insights into the functionality of the m.Doc patient portal with the extension of the Recare platform for digital discharge management. In this webinar, you will learn:
How to support your clinicians along the entire patient journey from initial contact, through medical history and appointment management, to transition to final treatment
How to avoid gaps in care and minimize bureaucracy
How you can reduce patient length of stay in the hospital for financial optimization
The entire episode is available on request at: marketing@mdoc.one
#Better early than late
The KHZG backward forecast
We have been working on such important topics as interoperability, interfaces and standards since our founding. In doing so, we rely on the most innovative and brightest minds from within our own ranks, and, in keeping with our motto of “achieving more together”, we also enlist external reinforcement from our partners. The first of these is our consulting partner UNITY. Together, we will look ahead to the year 2025 and then present our KHZG backward forecast using an exemplary facility and our KHZG generator.
Patient admission @home
With the new release of our Smart Health Platform, we have once again expanded and improved the extensive communication options. We will show you how these support you and your patients in the admission process: from the digital signature, to the TÜV- and KBV-certified video service, to the anamnesis @home.
Patient Journey Designer Upgrade
Smart is the one who digitizes recurring processes. And that’s exactly what our Patient Journey Designer does – for example, for frequently performed, scheduled procedures. Don’t leave your patients alone on any step of this journey. We’ll tell you why you won’t need to commit personnel resources to this in the future.
KHZG and now ?
With the new Hospital Future Act, the German government wants to strengthen medical care and, above all, drive forward digitization in hospitals – precisely the issues that have made m.Doc a reliable partner for years. We provide an insight into the details of the law and show you how to implement eligible projects in a targeted manner.
It's all a question of communication
Why have we placed so much emphasis on new, improved communication options in the new release of our Smart Health Platform? We’ll be happy to tell you in this Smart Session. This much in advance: You’ll be amazed at how our communication tools make everyday life easier.
Accompanying patients beyond their stay in the hospital
Efficient Aftercare with the m.Doc Smart Health Platform
Follow-up care plays an important role in the patient’s recovery process. However, the “distance” to the patient is often very great once the patient has been discharged. New technologies create closeness here. We will show you which modules and services our platform can use to reduce the distance in aftercare, increase the quality of care, and also generate important data for research.
Unimagined data treasures
It is a very simple module with a great effect: the questionnaire designer on the m.Doc Smart Health Platform. Whether it’s about medical scores, quality surveys or anamnesis @home – the possibilities to query information in a targeted and structured way in order to be able to process it afterwards are immense. Our questionnaire designer is also approved as a medical device and certified according to ICHOM. We will show you where the journey can take you and how you can also optimize your processes with integrated data flows.
Together towards the future
By now, you know the opportunities and possibilities that the KHZG makes tangible for your house as well. But do you know the next steps you need to take to get funding from the pot? We show you the way and accompany you from the detailed specification of the project, through regular verification, to successful implementation. Step by step towards the future.
Goodbye Paperwars
Printing, bagging, mailing, scanning – you probably know best how inefficient media disruption is in everyday work. With our document management and digital signature, you are now on the winning side of the paper war. Whether it’s contracts, data protection declarations, the selection of optional services – based on the m.Doc Smart Health Platform, you can now digitize all these administrative processes. No more media disruptions, no more obstructions in workflows. In this Smart Session, we will give you an insight into what is possible.
Telemedicine network structures
It facilitates the care of chronically ill patients, enables follow-up appointments to be handled without physical presence and long waiting times, brings colleagues together regardless of specialty and location, and can improve care in emergency medicine: The talk is of telemedicine. We talk about the advantages and potentials that you can also use in your hospital.