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#SmartHealthTalk: Kulin asks…

“Kulin asks…” in a new format! From now on, our successful interview series is available as Smart Health Talk for the eyes and ears! What remains are the hot topics around the digitalization of healthcare. We talk about opportunities, challenges and the things that are burning under the nails of the industry: KHZG, transformation, regulation. New every month with top-class experts and industry experts!


In the new video series #smarterklärt, our charming team colleague Samira Grass will explain to you in very concrete terms over the next few weeks what it means for you as a service provider to successfully implement all the specified MUST criteria of the funding guidelines.

#smarterklärt is primarily aimed at responsible parties who want a little more clarity in the jungle of guidelines, exceptions and provisions of the Hospital Futures Act.

Inside Technology

In short, concise sessions, our tech exponents explain what’s behind the latest technological and organizational innovations, what value they add to healthcare stakeholders.

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