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Data must be secure

Responsible handling of patient-related health data

We are aware of the high standards required when handling patient-related health
health data and are aware of our responsibility.

Maximum data security: ISO-certified data centres and GDPR-compliant encryption at m.Doc

m.Doc uses the T-Systems data centre in Germany or the respective European location of the customer for all data processed via our patient portal. The data centres are certified in accordance with ISO 27001 and ISO 9001, which guarantees the highest standards in terms of data security and quality management. In addition, GDPR-compliant data storage and data security is guaranteed at all times thanks to client-side encryption in combination with two-factor authentication.



  • Data is transmitted between all system components in encrypted form (SSL, X.509 certificate).
  • Attention is paid to data minimisation during transmission.
  • Monitoring and warning services are used to ensure the availability of the services and the integrity of the data.


  • Hosting for our German customers takes place in Deutsche Telekom’s highly secure twin-core data centres (certified to ISO 27001, among others).
  • Hosting for customers from other European countries takes place in their respective country.
  • Data is processed in compliance with GDPR.
  • Data is stored in encrypted form (Encryption at Rest).
Datensicherheit | Hosting
Datensicherheit | Authentifizierung


  • The identity of patients is verified.
  • Login with 2-factor authentication.
  • Several authentication methods are available.
  • No data is stored on patients’ mobile devices.

C5 Certificate

  • Leading cloud computing standard for IT security in Germany
  • Certification criteria are based on the BSI’s catalogue of requirements
  • Goal: High level of security when using cloud services for public authorities and companies
C5 Testat

Are you convinced by our smart solutions?
Please feel free to contact us!