Cologne, Germany, April 6, 2020 – There is a buzz in the eHealth industry: almost every company is currently announcing that it wants to find answers to the Corona crisis within the scope of its own expertise, competencies, and possibilities. And indeed, the first solutions are popping up here and there. We at m.Doc are also currently working with long-standing partners on ways and means to relieve the burden on the healthcare industry – but above all to make everyday hospital life, patient care and data collection for research and science easier in the current exceptional pandemic situation.
In the process, a legitimate question keeps coming up: Why is it taking so long for the numerous options, some of which have already been announced, to become available? After all, even as a young company, you haven’t just been around since yesterday with your platforms and technical solutions, you have built up infrastructure, partners, software and development expertise and are constantly improving your own solutions anyway.
The answer is simple: No matter what the issue, quick fixes rarely last or even deliver added value. What we need in the current situation, however, are reliable answers to the urgent healthcare issues caused by the Corona pandemic. To do this, we need to think holistically, involving partners as much as direct feedback from the field. We have to think about data protection and IT security. Only in this way can we develop long-term and, above all, sustainable solutions that help everyone involved, but especially those affected.
In short, any telemedicine or digital health company currently working on solutions to address the Corona crisis knows, of course, that time is a critical factor. However, bringing immature solutions to market must not become a trade-off. The same applies, for example, to the qualitative standards applied to the development of a vaccine or a drug against SARS-CoV-2. Of course, we need both as quickly as possible, but we cannot do without clinical trials.
Nevertheless, we can say – and I think this applies to the entire healthcare industry at the moment – that we are doing everything possible at full speed to get through the current pandemic in the best possible way.