Closing ranks for eHealth in Germany

Cologne, March 2020 – “Never before has the benefit of digital apps and offers been so obvious as in the current Corona crisis. We can and want to help people in this emergency situation.” This important message was delivered to the public this morning by the Chairman of the Board at Spitzenverband Digitale Gesundheitsversorgung e.V. (SVDGV), Daniel Nathrath.

He also raised the question of whether we can get health insurers and eHealth providers to work shoulder to shoulder to drive digital health forward – for the doctors and nurses who are currently doing an enormous amount and urgently need relief.

We at m.Doc are fully behind this statement. In fact, we are currently working with partners to launch a holistic offering in response to the Corona crisis. The fact is that we digital health startups in Germany have the innovative power, the know-how, and above all the courage to take responsibility and act proactively.

The crisis shows how important it is to reach out to each other, to cut out old habits, and to join forces to face the challenges – the very current ones, those caused by Corona, but above all the long-term ones.

What do we need for this?

Cooperation between politicians, associations, health insurers and digital health providers.

Concerted action – well beyond the crisis. Because it is becoming increasingly clear these days that we are very fortunate to live in a country with such a well-positioned healthcare system – even if not everything is ideal and there are deficits. That is precisely why we must work together to ensure that this system does not collapse in the long term. We have to keep Germany’s health standard high and continuously improve it.

A to-do mentality, not discussions or “projectitis.”

Pragmatic action – especially from health insurers, regarding the adoption of eHealth solutions, which in turn will lead to long-term agreements.

We at m.Doc feel committed to the German healthcare system and are ready and willing to make our contribution – together with all the players involved. We certainly do not want to leave the field unconditionally to others because consensus was not possible.