m.Doc Stage

Missed an event or just want to “have a look” again? No problem. At m.Doc Stage you can relive our events.



Are you ready for the future? With our release of the Smart Health Platform, you will be – especially if you take advantage of the funding opportunities offered by the new Hospital Futures Act.

Lassen Sie sich am besten live von der grandiosen Arbeit unseres innovativen Teams überzeugen und klicken Sie sich in eine #smartsession ein.

DMEA 2021 - Connecting Digital Health

Every year: The DMEA opened its doors for you from June 7 – 11 under the motto “Connecting Digital Health” – purely virtually, of course. Also m.Doc was again part of the party and offered you as a Gold Partner numerous program points.

You missed one of our partner events or would like to take a look at individual program highlights again?
No problem! We also take you on demand once again to our – and

The New Healthcare Puzzle – Smart Hospital, 15. März 2021

You are familiar with the KHZG and have perhaps also familiarized yourself with the initial details and funding opportunities. But what can digitization in hospitals look like in concrete terms and what is the next step with the KHZG?

These topics will be highlighted by the hosts m.Doc GmbH and the Hasso Plattner Institute together with speakers from the healthcare industry and politics.