kma comments

kma is one of the leading opinion-forming magazines in the healthcare industry. Every month, our CEO Admir Kulin analyzes and comments on a topic from the field of digital health.

A plea for more agility


Why are we so afraid to deviate from once defined goals? If something doesn’t work, we do it again! Mistakes are allowed on new paths and ultimately the future viability of what we are doing today must be questioned almost daily.

The future begins now


It is just as true for a company as it is for an industry or an economy: If you want to become and/or remain competitive and fit for the future, you have to invest. A look at access to capital for companies as well as investments by the state shows: Something is wrong here. 

The KHPflEG - more than you would expect


It is already being discussed, statements from the various associations can be found. But no one recognizes the – in my view – decisive, because forward-looking aspect of the Hospital Care Relief Act: interfaces for all! 

Avoid negative people...


… is generally good advice. However, with regard to the German healthcare system, our innovative strength and international connection are at stake.

Where is the master of ceremonies?


If the health service were an orchestra, the sounds produced would probably be rather shrill to deafening. Because no action seems to be concerted at the moment. The (economic) special interests are too diverse and, above all, too strong.

Dream team - innovative technologies and health data


The demand for the free(re)use of health data calls for data protection. But is it really so far-fetched that new technologies and a high level of data protection are mutually dependent? A detailed analysis is worthwhile here.

Berlin, Berlin, we go to Berlin


The DMEA is just around the corner – and promises to be different, special this year. After two years, it is finally taking place again as a face-to-face event on site, and during the important tendering and implementation phase of the KHZG. What we can, should, perhaps even must expect.

Foot on the gas for digitization projects


Procrastination and progress are two things that are mutually exclusive by definition. So if something is not (yet) perfect, it is all the more important to work on it. This is precisely the attitude we need if we want to drive forward digitization in healthcare and not miss the boat. However, the various projects for this must not be viewed in isolation from one another.

First, things turn out differently...


Second than you think. After 2020 was already an exceptional year, 2021 didn’t really make it much easier for us in many places. So where do we currently stand? And can we hope for a more positive 2022?

Digitization as an opportunity for gender equality


Anyone who talks about gender equality sooner or later encounters an immense data gap. Women hardly feature at all in a data-based world, and this also applies to medicine. Yet diseases manifest themselves differently in the two sexes, and medications work differently. With the increasing digitization of healthcare, we have a unique opportunity to close this and many other data gaps. And it’s often even the small solutions that can make a big difference.

A plea for pain


Pain is good. They show us where we need to make changes to get better. However, this does not seem to apply (anymore) in the health care system. Has the German healthcare system lost its sensitivity to pain and what are the consequences for its future viability?

Federal election everything on a new beginning


After the election is before the coalition negotiations. The entire country will be watching the outcome of these negotiations with bated breath in the coming weeks. In his commentary for kma Online shortly before the election, our CEO called on people to vote – on the one hand, because it’s a privilege that can’t necessarily be taken for granted. And for another…

Is the digitization of hospitals really taking off now?


Yes, it’s really starting now – regardless of the supposed negative reports, criticism or belittling. The KHZG is here, the maturity measurement is in place, and the first grants have already been paid out. Good news. Let’s celebrate it as such! 

What we should tell the next generation


Digitizing the German healthcare system is a mammoth task. If we are to make rapid progress, we need more qualified young people than are available today. But do they even know what job potential lies behind it? I have my doubts.

Already in the fast lane or still changing tires?


There is no question that the German healthcare sector is on the move. Digital initiatives are proliferating, some of them are already interlocking, and we are feeling a certain sense of optimism. But is that enough to get us into the fast lane, or are we just getting started on the groundwork to get out of the way? And where do we want to go in the next five, ten or 15 years?

After the DMEA is before the DMEA


It is the leading trade fair for the digital health industry and thus an indicator of the current mood on the market. A reason to look back on the past DMEA week. An initial conclusion: the topics are becoming more diverse, the perspectives more long-term, and the players involved more versatile.

The future of regional supply is networked


Corona has shown us the differences in the quality of care, and the KHZG will also do its part and reveal further deficits. If cost-effectiveness and quality of care are to be harmonized, there can only be one solution: regional care networks. And holistically conceived patient portals will play a fundamental role in their development.

What comes after KHZG funding?


The actual funding of the KHZG has not even really started yet, and the follow-up costs are already being discussed. It’s right and important to be far-sighted when it comes to digitization, but please always take a holistic view.

KHZG – In the year 2025


The timeframe for implementing the Hospital Future Act (KHZG) is extremely short. On the one hand, this is good, because it means that digitization projects are getting moving. On the other hand, it also tempts people to think in the shorter term.

A real chance


A 3 billion euro funding pot for hospitals – with this, the Hospital Future Act has great potential to set a fundamental course for the digitization of our healthcare system.

KHZG also goes unbureaucratic


Sometimes you don’t believe that things will happen as planned. This makes it all the more surprising that, for example, the training courses for KHZG certification have started on time. It seems as if the legislator is serious about the announced pace. Does this give cause for hope for the digitization of healthcare?